Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

We here at the Love The Home You Have blog, want to extend a hearty Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all our followers. May this year be the best yet!
Now, let's dig in.
January is the month to make half-hearted proclamations with little or no follow thru.
This year, try making a resolution you can keep! We here at Love The Home You Have, challenge our readers to find one spot in your home that is being underutilized and change it. That's not hard, is it? It doesn't have to be a major overhaul, just something that you notice. That's half the battle right there. Trying to make yourself see something in a different way that you look at every day is a challenge.
You can do it. Email us your before and after photos so we can post them for everyone to marvel at!
Don't get discouraged, start small, then build from there!
We know you can do it!!

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