Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Conclusion: West Edge Design Fair

As promised, albeit late, the conclusion of the Design Fair!

One of the most interesting companies was Philomela www.philomelasWeb.com
They specialize in original, hand-drawn, painted and printed wallpaper and textiles.
There is a wide range of styles, from abstract and deconstructed, to modern and organic, offered in several colors.

Another exciting company we came across is Sorelle Fine Arts http://www.sorellefinearts.com
They create beautiful wallcoverings with gorgeous hand applied mother of pearl or gold and silver leaf. Delicious!

Well, there you have it. If you couldn't make it to the fair, we've passed along the companies that we found to be most unique and exciting. Remember, you can always contact us for additional info about anything you see on the blog, general design questions, or to share projects!