Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Let's say you or your significant other were offered a job in a different city or state. You finally find a house, or apartment, but what do you take? Do you just pack everything you own and work it out when you arrive?
Most people do.
It takes quite a bit of time and effort to plan out where all your furniture will go and where to hang your art, but a bit of work beforehand can make a big difference when you are physically moving in.
How much less stress would you have if you knew exactly where your sectional and that big armoire you love but don't really need, were going? Or, maybe that big sectional just isn't going to fit unless you take a chainsaw to it. Wouldn't that have been nice to know before you moved it? How about knowing where each piece of art will hang, preventing you from putting numerous unnecessary holes in the walls?
How about rugs? Rugs are heavy. Dragging them from room to room is tiring. Lifting sofas or beds to try them out is exhausting. If you know where they will go, the movers can place them quickly and the room can then be set up more easily. This will save the movers and you time and money.

Included below is a basic floor plan drawn on graph paper. This is typically the easiest way for homeowners to accomplish this task.

Other things to consider are; are there any floor outlets and their location, wall outlets in general for plugging in lamps, how the closet doors open or if they slide (this is very helpful when placing furniture so as to know how much space you need to leave), where are the TV jacks, are they near the floor or up in the wall?

This should get you started in the right direction. Remember, it's better to have too much information and not use it, then to need more information and not have it.

Happy packing!