Monday, June 10, 2013

Pallet is King

There has been an overwhelming trend to repurpose pallets for home use. Why you might ask? Number one, they're cheap, many times even free. Number two, vintage is in. Repurposed pallets have an old, worn, vintage feel to them. Number three, they're relatively easy to manipulate, meaning, they require little effort to disassemble and once that's done you have wood that is more or less already cut to the same size and all you have to do is re-build it to your liking. This makes producing wall shelves, bookcases and even full beds and headboards fairly simple and quick to make. The wood is almost always unfinished so if painting's your game, you're ready to go.

Naturally because of it's original purpose, the wood is rough cut and not very smooth to the touch. You can always sand areas that will be touched frequently but remember that the purpose, or repurpose of the wood is for it's old worn look and feel, so don't get too carried away or else you'll have something that resembles a failing 8th grade shop project.

Here are some repurposed pallet ideas from the website that we wouldn't mind having in our homes!